The Congregational Church of Lincoln City (UCC)
Meeting Address: 1760 NW 25th Street, Lincoln City, OR97367
Mailing Address: PO Box 945, Lincoln City OR 97367
Pastor: The Rev. Michael Grogan
Phone: 541- 994-2378
Email: congregationalchurch1@lcucc.com
Website: http://www.lincolncityucccongregational.org/index.htm
Note: Recognized as an Open and Affirming congregation by the United Church of Christ http://www.ucc.org/lgbt/ona.html . Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on www.gaychurch.org
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2008. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Public notice of being a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website, signage, Facebook page, and in newspaper announcements.
The Episcopal Parish of St. James Santiago
Meeting address: 2490 NE Highway 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing address: PO Box 789, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Rector: The Rev. Chris Hertlein
Phone: (541) 994-2426
Email: stjames@episcopalchurchlincolncity.net
website: http://www.episcopalchurchlincolncity.com/
Note: Listed as a WelcomingGayFriendlyChurch on www.gaychurch.org
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Gender neutral bathrooms.
Unity by the Sea
Meeting Address: 1922 NE 17th St, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing Address: P O Box 386, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Church Manager: John Hume
Phone: 541-418-0345
Email: info@ubts.org
Webpage: http://www.ubts.org
Note: The congregation is part of a welcoming denomination. http://www.unity.org/
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms.


The Congregational Church of Lincoln City (UCC)
Meeting Address: 1760 NW 25th Street, Lincoln City, OR97367
Mailing Address: PO Box 945, Lincoln City OR 97367
Pastor: The Rev. Michael Grogan
Phone: 541- 994-2378
Email: congregationalchurch1@lcucc.com
Website: https://lcucc1949.wordpress.com/
Note: Recognized as an Open and Affirming congregation by the United Church of Christ http://www.ucc.org/lgbt/ona.html . Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on www.gaychurch.org
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2008. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Public notice of being a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website, signage, Facebook page, and in newspaper announcements.
The Episcopal Parish of St. James Santiago
Meeting Address: 2490 NE Highway 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing Address: PO Box 789, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Rector: The Rev. Chris Hertlein
Phone: (541) 994-2426
Email: stjames@episcopalchurchlincolncity.net
Website: http://www.episcopalchurchlincolncity.com/
Note: Listed as a WelcomingGayFriendlyChurch on www.gaychurch.org
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Gender neutral bathrooms.
Unity by the Sea
Meeting Address: 1922 NE 17th St, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing Address: P O Box 386, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Church Manager: John Hume
Phone: 541-418-0345
Email: info@ubts.org
Webpage: https://lincoln-city-or.alluschurches.com/unity-sea-community-church/
Note: The congregation is part of a welcoming denomination. http://www.unity.org/
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Meeting address: SW 9th St at Hurbert Street, Newport, OR 97365
Mailing address: PO box 1014, Newport, OR 97365-1014
Vicar: The Rev. Judith Jones
Phone: (541) 265-5251
Email: ststephen@peak.org
Website: https://ststephenepiscopal.org/
Note: Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on www.gaychurch.org
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. Public notice of being a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website and in newspaper announcements.
Atonement Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Meeting Address: 2315 North Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365
Mailing address: 2315 North Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365
Pastor: The Rev. Ed Milliken
Phone:(541) 265-2554
Email: Office@atonementlutheran.com
Website: http://www.atonementlutheran.com/
Note: Recognized as a Reconciling Congregation by Reconciling Works and Lutherans Concerned. http://www.reconcilingworks.org/ric/ric-congregations-list . Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on www.gaychurch.com . Listed as a welcoming and affirming church by the Institute for Welcoming Resources. http://www.welcomingresources.org/directory.htm . Listed as a Welcoming Congregation by Believe Out Loud. http://www.believeoutloud.com/take-action/find-your-community
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2015. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. Has gender neutral bathrooms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Public notice of being a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s newsletter, bulletins, and newspaper announcements.
The Central Coast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Meeting Address: Visual Arts Center, 777 NW Beach Drive, Newport, OR 97365
Mailing Address: POB 111, Newport, OR 97365-0111
Congregation President: Mary Ann Beggs
Email: info@ccuuf.org
Website: http://www.ccuuf.org
Note: Recognized as a Welcoming Congregation by the UUA. www.UUA.org. A member of the Community of Welcoming Congregations. http://www.welcomingcongregations.org/
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2012. Will officiate LGBTQ marriage and funerals. Public notice that a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website.

Trinity United Methodist Church
Meeting address: 383 Northeast Beech Street Toledo, OR 97391
Mailing address: PO Box 447. Toledo, OR 97391
Pastor: The Rev. Daryl Blanksma
Phone: (541) 336-2450
Email: office@toledotumc.org
Website: http://www.toledotumc.org
Note: Recognized as a Reconciling Congregation by the Reconciling Ministries Network http://www.rmnetwork.org/get-connected/find-a-church/ . A member of the Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists http://www.oirums.org/. Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on www.gaychurch.org.
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2008. Will officiate LGBTQ weddings, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Gender neutral bathrooms. Public notice that a welcoming (reconciling) congregation on the website, signage, Facebook page, and in newspaper announcements.

St. Luke’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church
Meeting Address: 1353 Highway 101 South, Waldport, OR 97394
Mailing Address: PO Box 422, Waldport, OR 97394-0422
Interim Vicar: The Rev. Peter Fones
Email: stluke@peak.org
Phone: (541) 563-4812
Website: https://stlukewaldport.org/
Notes: Recognized as a Welcoming Congregation by Integrity USA, www.integrityusa.org . A member of the Community of Welcoming Congregations. http://www.welcomingcongregations.org/ Listed as a welcoming and affirming church by the Institute for Welcoming Resources. http://www.welcomingresources.org/directory.htm Listed as a Welcoming Congregation by Believe Out Loud. http://www.believeoutloud.com/take-action/find-your-community
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ weddings, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Gender neutral bathrooms. Public notice that a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website, signage, Facebook page, and in newspaper announcements.

Yachats Community Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Meeting address: 360 W. Seventh St., Yachats, OR 97498
Mailing Address: PO Box 285, Yachats, OR 97498
Pastor: The Rev. Bob Barrett
Email through the website: http://www.yachatspresbyterian.org/webapp/p/172/e-mail-us
Phone: (541) 547-3400
Website: http://www.yachatspresbyterian.org/
Notes: It is a Welcoming Congregation and all are welcome regardless of sexual orientation or appearance. http://www.yachatspresbyterian.org/webapp/p/223/core-values
Official Statement of Inclusion. Will officiate at LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation.