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The 2019 April Newsletter can be found here.

Many thanks to the newsletter editor Nel Ward who pulls together news from around the world–and around the Central Coast.

Your memberships and donations are greatly appreciated and help support the work we do with students. PFLAG will rent a bus to take GSA students to the Portland Pride Parade in June. The last page of the newsletter has membership info–and you can donate by Paypal on our website,

Thanks for being part of the Q-friendly community and being Upstanders, not Bystanders!

Jeanne StJohn, Chair

The 2019 March Newsletter can be found here.

Another outstanding edition of our info-packed newsletter which always features good news as well as the rest–and always offers ways to be active and involved. Thanks to Nel Ward for searching out the news we need–all over the world, including the Oregon Coast.

The March 13th PFLAG meeting will feature Claire Hall on “The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Being Trans in 2019.” The meeting is held at St. Stephen’s in Newport and begins at 6pm.

Scholarship information is also included in this edition!

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