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The 2019 September Newsletter can be found here.

Thanks to our dedicated newsletter editor, Nel Ward. And don’t miss the Kickoff Meeting for the 2019-20 PFLAG year on Wednesday, September 11th, from 6:00-7:30 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Newport, OR. Meet our new leadership team, hear about the recent survey, and tell us how we can better meet the needs of the LGBTQ community.

Join us on Saturday, September 14th, at 2:00 pm at the Newport City Hall for #HateHasNoHomeHere: a rally for peace, love and kindness Sponsored by Lincoln County Clergy United Against Hate

The 2019 July Newsletter can be found here.

Lots of news, lots of ways to be involved in making changes and showing up for the Q Community–thanks to our dedicated editor, Nel Ward. She managed to produce our newsletter the same week that she and her wife, Sue Hardesty, celebrated their 50th Anniversary!! What a great celebration of two wonderful women who have contributed so much to our community over many years.

Please join us for our two summer events–

–LaDeDa Parade in Yachats on July 4–Meet at the Pavilion at 11:30 for the parade at noon. Lots of fun, bring your rainbow gear–we’ll have some to share.

–PFLAG Summer Picnic on Sat., August 24 from 1-3pm at Toledo Waterfront

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