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The 2014 January Newsletter can be found here.

SUNDAY, FEB. 9–Love is Love! Oregon Central Coast PFLAG hosts its third Love is Love Valentine Party on February 9th from 2-4 pm. Free Community Valentine Party from 2-4 pm at Oregon Coast Community College in South Beach!

Live music with Past Forward, great treats, make a Valentine, Sweetheart Photos, honor the newlyweds. First Valentine Party in the country for young and old, gay and straight! See you there!

(Click on poster below for larger version.)

The 2013 December Newsletter can be found here.

Upcoming PFLAG events–

–December 11, 6:00 pm: PFLAG Holiday Dessert Potluck, St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport

–December 12, 1:00 pm: LGBT Task Force Meeting, Western Title Building, Room 206, Newport

–January 8, 6:00-7:30 pm: PFLAG Meeting—St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport



The Coastal AIDS Network* monthly activities:

–Second Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Activity Night” (call for information (541)994-5597)

–Third Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Pizza Night” (Newport Abbey’s Pizza)

–Fourth Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Men’s Pot Luck” (Locations vary! Call (541)994-5597 or email for information)

–We also try to have pizza in Tillamook or Pacific City. Email Dan, or leave a message for him at (541)994-5597.

*CAN activities are open to everyone, regardless of HIV status or sexual orientation except for “Men’s Pot Luck.” Occasionally we bend that rule for special events.

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