The 2014 April Newsletter can be found here.
PFLAG meeting on Wed., April 9 at 6 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Newport.
The Congregational Church of Lincoln City (UCC)
Meeting Address: 1760 NW 25th Street, Lincoln City, OR97367
Mailing Address: PO Box 945, Lincoln City OR 97367
Pastor: The Rev. Michael Grogan
Phone: 541- 994-2378
Note: Recognized as an Open and Affirming congregation by the United Church of Christ . Listed as a Welcoming Gay Friendly Church on
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ since 2008. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Public notice of being a welcoming congregation on the congregation’s website, signage, Facebook page, and in newspaper announcements.
The Episcopal Parish of St. James Santiago
Meeting address: 2490 NE Highway 101, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing address: PO Box 789, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Rector: The Rev. Chris Hertlein
Phone: (541) 994-2426
Note: Listed as a WelcomingGayFriendlyChurch on
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms. LGBTQ leadership within the congregation. Gender neutral bathrooms.
Unity by the Sea
Meeting Address: 1922 NE 17th St, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Mailing Address: P O Box 386, Lincoln City, OR 97367
Church Manager: John Hume
Phone: 541-418-0345
Note: The congregation is part of a welcoming denomination.
Official Statement of Inclusion of LGBTQ. Will officiate LGBTQ marriages, funerals, & baptisms.
The 2014 April Newsletter can be found here.
PFLAG meeting on Wed., April 9 at 6 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Newport.
The 2014 March Newsletter can be found here.
PFLAG Friends,
The link above is to the latest edition of PFLAG OCC’s dynamite newsletter–thanks again to Nel Ward, recipient of the American Library Assn’s Boa Award–see the photo and story inside. Also, in the newsletter see photos from our VERY successful Love is Love Valentine Party–where we celebrated the recent marriages of eight local couples.
Don’t forget that March 1, is the FIRST Freedom to Marry Town Hall meeting of the spring–where we will get an update on the marriage campaign and hear about the ballot measure that might bring Arizona-style discrimination to Oregon. We need to stamp that out FAST. Be there at Atonement Lutheran Church at 1 pm to hear all the latest from state campaign leaders.
The March PFLAG meeting on Wed., March 12 will feature Bully Basics and an update from LCSD schools about their Bully Prevention programs. Everyone is welcome! You don’t have to identify at LGBT – or Q, Q, I, or A – or even know what those letters stand for! We are interested in the person, not the label. Come with your questions, come with your uncertainty, come to offer or ask for support, just come with an open mind and an open heart.