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The 2014 June Newsletter can be found here.

Please share with friends and help us have a great turnout for the Something Old, Something New Conversation About Marriage. Leslie Dunlap, a professor at Willamette, will lead the discussion and talk about changes in the institution of marriage over time and in different cultures. Should be fascinating–and we’re thrilled to have an Oregon Humanities program right here in Newport. That’s Wed., June 11 at 6 pm at St. Stephen’s, SW 9th & Hurbert, in Newport. BRING YOUR FRIENDS!

And don’t miss the showing of “Inequality for All” at the Bijou at 11 am on Saturday, June 7. It’s a benefit for NOW–a great film & discussion for only $8.

The 2014 May Newsletter can be found here.

Highlights from the newsletter–

OCC PFLAG Calendar: –May 14, 6:00-7:30 pm: PFLAG Meeting—St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport –May 14: Federal Court Hearing on NOM’s standing in a lawsuit regarding marriage equality –May 15-18: Portland Queer Documentary Festival—McMenamins Kennedy School Theatre, 5736 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland [See p. 4.] –May 25, 11:00 am: OUT Lesbian Group—Café Mundo, Nye Beach, Newport –June 11, 6:00 pm: PFLAG Meeting—St. Stephen’s, 9th & Hurbert, Newport –June 22, 11:00 am: OUT Lesbian Group—Café Mundo, Nye Beach, Newport

The Coastal AIDS Network* monthly activities: –Second Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Activity Night” (call for information (541)994-5597) –Third Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Pizza Night” (Newport Abbey’s Pizza) –Fourth Tuesday, 7:00 pm: “Men’s Pot Luck” (Locations vary! Call (541)994-5597 or email for information) –We also try to have pizza in Tillamook or Pacific City. –Email Dan, coastalaidsnetwork@ or leave a message for him at (541)994-5597. *CAN activities are open to everyone, regardless of HIV status or sexual orientation except for “Men’s Pot Luck.” Occasionally we bend that rule for special events.

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Out Magazine’s top 50 most influential LGBT voices in American culture:

The new film, Kumu Hinu will be featured at Portland’s Queer Documentary Film Festival on Sunday, May 18 at 12:30 pm with directors Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson in attendance. The Portland Queer Documentary Film Festival will show many other excellent LGBT-themed films from May 15-18 at Kennedy School Theatre. QDoc is the only festival in the U.S. devoted to showing exclusively LGBT documentaries. It offers a unique vehicle to creatively engage core issues of queer identity—politics, history, culture, diversity, sexuality, family, aging, and coming-out issues. Cost is $10, $8 for seniors/students.

“They make it sound as though there are a limited number of marriage licenses and if they start handing out marriage licenses willy-nilly to same-sex couples who can’t have a child, then what is that going to do to procreation?” Sharon Baldwin, half of one of the couples challenging Oklahoma’s ban on same-sex marriage

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