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The 2016 December Newsletter can be found here.

We appreciate Nel Ward for another year of great issues!

Please join us for the Annual World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil at 6 pm on Thurs., Dec. 2 at the entrance to Oregon Coast Community College on 40th St. in South Beach. Two panels from the AIDS quilt are on display all this week in the OCCC library–take a few minutes to sit with the quilt and reflect on the lives that were lost in this epidemic.

Our Holiday Dessert Potluck happens on Wed., Dec. 14 at 6 pm at St. Stephen’s Church in Newport at SW 9th and Hurbert. Hope to see you there!

The 2016 November Newsletter can be found here.

Thanks again to Nel Ward, editor extraordinaire!

Lots of news and update on the lesbian couple who was evicted from their low income housing. BOLI is working on appeals and we hope that there will someday be reimbursement for the huge financial loss they have suffered in losing their furnishings, clothing, deposits–not to mention their pride and sanity as they have struggled to stay afloat and indoors during these colder days. It’s not too late to help with donations–contact Ineka Estabrook at for how you can help directly.

Lots of activities underway for young people–see the calendar on page 7.

Drop us a line of encouragement–and send in your membership! (see the form on the last page of the newsletter)–your commitment to our work means a lot.

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